VTO Spotlight Hold Our Youth Tight

We are so proud of our Visionaries work inside and outside the company. One of our initiatives has been to offer our employees Visionary Time Off, where Visionaries go out into the community and volunteer their time. This past weekend, Holly Murphy and Kelly Orr volunteered at Hold Our Youth Tight.
Hold Our Youth Tight is a triathlon-style fundraiser formed to raise awareness about infant loss and to support those who have experienced the death of a child by giving back to the community. The event was started in remembrance of Hoyt Kenneth McDonald and Sullivan Garrett Hall. As of April 15th, 2021, Hold Our Youth Tight are recognized as a non-profit organization in the state of Iowa; they hope to be recognized at the federal level by the end of 2021.
For the 4th Annual HOYT Triathlon, participants tried their skills at three unique events. The events that they took place in were trap shooting, bags, and sand volleyball. The events were started with an Olympic style opening ceremony and were closed in fashion with fireworks on Saturday night.
To learn more about the triathlon, or Hold Our Youth Tight and the work they do follow the link provided below: