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VSi Develops Client Intranet Portal on Redesigned Site

Update: This service is no longer available.

We are excited to announce a new look and feel to the Visionary web site. As part of the redesign, we've created a way for existing clients to access important documents, including project scopes, hosting agreements, invoices, and more. Clients will also be able to directly link into their Urchin Account to review site statistics.

Creating an Account
Below are a few simple steps to create an initial client account:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on "Client Login" button on the right side of the large red area at top of page.
  3. Click on "Create an Account" link.
    1. Type your email address
    2. Create a password, and confirm it
    3. Type your First and Last Name
    4. Type your Company Name
    5. Click "Register" button

You will receive an email confirming your registration. You can then return to the login page:

When you receive your confirmation email, you will also receive additional instructions on how to navigate the Visionary Client Center. If you have additional questions regarding this feature, please email or call 515-369-3545, ext. 112.

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