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Visionary Fostering Positive Work Environment

For 30 minutes once a month, Visionary's Contract Development team stops writing code, designing web site layouts or managing projects. Instead, we shift our focus each month to encouraging teamwork and practicing team building exercises.

At our most recent team meeting, we watched a video called The Happy Secret to Better Work. Speaker Shawn Achor provided an entertaining and inspiring talk about fostering happiness. His challenge to the audience, and my challenge to the Contract Development team is this...for the next 21 days, do these five things each day:

  1. Write three things down you are grateful for
  2. Journal about one positive experience you’ve had in the last 24 hours
  3. Exercise
  4. Meditate – remove all distractions for 10 minutes/day to take your focus off the busyness, stress, or multitude of other things going on in your life.
  5. Random acts of kindness – write an email, send a note, do something for someone else with no expectation of anything in return.

What does any of this have to do with web development?! Zero, zilch. Nada. It has everything to do with the culture and community within Visionary.  Fostering a positive work envrionment and connecting the team beyond the specific project they are working on helps build a healthy culture. In turn, it helps Visionary provide better service to our clients.

What is your company or organization doing to foster a positive work environment? Share your ideas below or email me today!

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