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Art in the Workplace

Something many don’t know about Visionary Services is that our office is like a private art museum.

Yes, our president, David Safris, is quite the collector. In fact, we’ve teamed up with the Des Moines Social Club to stage a free two-week exhibition featuring many of the prints and paintings housed at Visionary.

With so many fantastic pieces decorating our walls – including numerous prints by famed streets artists Banksy and Shepard Fairey, and even a lithograph by Roy Lichtenstein – we asked the Visionary staff to share what their favorite piece is and what they think the collection says about the company.

Here is what everyone had to say:

What is your favorite piece of art in the Visionary office?

"As I Opened Fire" by Roy Lichtenstein

It combines two things I like – airplanes and comics. – Bryan Gruhlke, Lead Software Engineer

"Spider Man" by Peter Mars

I always end up staring at it when we are in the conference room. I love all of the different layers and textures within the piece. – Becca Saladin, Production Specialist

"Blue Dob/Red Dob" by Takashi Murakami

It makes me happy as it looks like a crazy happy me. It is also one of my favorite artist. I have had them above my desks as I have moved around the office for many years. Most recently the other piece of art I love is the dinosaur eating the bikini girl (“Happens Everyday” by Faile). I told David to get this as I love how dramatic and bold it is, and I love the vivid red and green tones as well. – Jacinda Bevilacqua, Project Manager

"Barking Dog" by Keith Haring

I like [Haring’s] fun, colorful style that creates a fun work space atmosphere.  I also like his colorful piece in the Des Moines Gateway Sculpture Park ("Three Dancing Figures, Version C").  – Kelli Huerter, Project Manager

"Power" by Shepard Fairey

Not only does it have a very strong visual presence, but it also reminds me how potent art can be in terms of communication and the influence it has on the world. – Tim Huff, Software Engineer

All of the pieces by Keith Haring

They remind me of growing up in Northern California.  My life-long friend is a big fan, and I remember seeing an exhibition in San Francisco.  Since then he has always been a favorite. – Matt McKissick, Software Engineer

What do you think the art says about Visionary as a company?

It's awesome that our company chooses such fun art to decorate our office walls.  I think it explains a lot about the fun atmosphere and small company environment we have and some of the unique and artsy personalities of our employees. – Kelli Huerter, Project Manager

The art around the office is a mix of emotions. Some pieces are a little odd and some are fun and happy, much like the people who make up Visionary. We are all a little odd and happy at Visionary.  – Jacinda Bevilacqua, Project Manager

I think it reflects a trendy and creative environment. – Jammie Hall, Project Manager

The collection says we are progressive, creative, and energetic. We appreciate beauty, color, and design and believe that form and function are equally important … and that 'flair' has its place in the world. – Monica Langin, Senior Project Manager

Design is important. However, it can be done in completely unique and innovative ways and doesn't necessarily have to fit into a mold. We value what's interesting over what's "in". We don't follow trends unless it feels right and inspires us. And, it never hurts to take a chance on something out of the ordinary because it might just be the next big thing. – Sarah Bailey, Project Lead

The art Visionary has on display is an integral part of our image as a company. Visionary prides itself on our technological knowledge, creativity, and essentially, the fact that we are all visionaries – “having or showing a powerful imagination …” Art is the realm of possibility. Being surrounded by works of art created with powerful imagination unlocks possibility in Visionary's employees each day by pushing creativity, creating questions, and stimulating minds. To have the walls of Visionary full of inspiration is a wonderful reminder of who we are and how far we can go. – Holly Murphy, Production Specialist

I think to create an environment where there is creativity, whimsy, and color, shows that Visionary is invested in it's people and it's space. – Taylor Hilsabeck, Production Specialist

A message from our president

A combination of forces came together over the last 10 years to help create the “Urban Visionaries” collection. As a technology company, we are dealing with leading-edge and sometimes destabilizing technologies. Many Visionary employees are artistic themselves and in tune with trends in design, art and, of course, Internet and new social media technologies.

With this work environment background I was very interested to see the new generation of artists beginning to use the Internet as an avenue to go direct to consumers and bypass the old established hierarchy of galleries, art specialists, museums and art shows.

The world around us is moving quickly, icons are made and washed away at an ever quickening pace, social structures are changing and evolving. Urban art has given us a quick look into the emotions of the creative people in our midst.

Many of the art pieces in the collection are from artists that were virtually unheard of 10 years ago.

Some of these artists may not ever be heard from again as the world economies stabilize, urban art becomes more mainstream and the revolution runs its course.

Regardless, I think the edgy feel of this art, the in-your-face messages, and the brash attitudes of the artists themselves capture something important about the last decade of world history.

– David Safris, President

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