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Reaching Your Customers Through Email Campaigns

Email has now been popular for more than 20 years, and we are only tapping into its possibilities.

Awareness is a thing of the past; engagement is everything, and email is the platform to build the relationship through knowledge and interaction in a noninvasive environment.

Subjective subject lines

A major component to every email is the subject line, and unfortunately, it’s typically an afterthought to the message and content.

The subject line needs to be loud, proud and inviting; enticing the customer to want to know more and how it benefits them. Make it worthwhile to that recipient and find the noninvasive and intriguing message to reach your customer.

In an email, it’s the first thing people will see that relates to your brand, your style, your sophistication and the value of the interaction. If your message can be one of the lucky 12% of opened emails in your customer’s inbox that day, you can now engage them in reading your full message.

We like big buttons and we cannot lie

Email apps are easy to download, setup and use. However, they each have their own way of displaying emails in your inbox. Typically, they will show a sender’s icon, the subject line, and if you’re lucky, the pre-header text.

Again, this common interface (which is outside of your control) glorifies the subject line and logo.

Even more challenges arise when a customer opens the email, challenges that are not easy for you to change for your customers most of the time.

Depending on the device and the capabilities of the email program the customer is using, the content can move around or be hard to read, and images may become smaller that you intended. Some email programs can even make your customer scroll or enlarge the email layout due to small font sizes.

When you design and craft your email, you need to think of easy ways to guide people to engage with your message. Retain your readers by being noninvasive and simple to work with. Cater to them and bring them what they need; this includes a good user experience and important information.

Customers do not want to be inconvenienced. Their time is limited, so clicking through pop ups and promotional babble will be a turn off, and people may not want to engage with your emails again. Make an impact with fewer words and drive home your message.

Don’t let your users get frustrated by not being able to click small text or buttons. Make it easier for people to click on your buttons and links by making them big. This allows for some forgiveness when someone is trying to interact with your message on small screens.

The footer is easy to ignore

This may be the case for the typical marketer, but not the typical legal professional. While perspective is different between the two, liabilities and branding are important to both.

Consider building your opt out process for customers and have it readily available in the footer of the email. The CAN-SPAM Act requires good business to be conducted and to protect the interests of the customer and receiver.

This is yet another reason you should make the customer experience noninvasive; when people get annoyed, they will avoid the next interaction.

Also consider taking the time to create a standard footer for your emails and include navigation links back to your site. This is a perfect opportunity to get more interaction with your customer and to market your company and message again.

People are busy

We have things to do, lives to maintain, work to get done, fun to be had.

We certainly don’t make the time to walk down every aisle of the grocery store when we need to get groceries. We typically find what we need and head on our way.

Let’s consider this aspect in the emails we send to customers as well. Send them to the right place or give them the information they need to experience what you are offering while respecting their time.

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