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VSi Develops New Iowa e-Health Site


Visionary Services partnered with ZLRIGNITION, a Des Moines area marketing firm, to develop a new website for the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH). Through their vision for a healthier Iowa, the IDPH formed Iowa e-Health to encourage consumers, health care providers, insurers, state government, and health care purchasers to establish an exchange of electronic health information.

According to the IDPH, this exchange of electronic information will greatly improve the state of Iowa health care by ensuring patient safety and increasing the efficiency in health care delivery. With accurate, up-to-date electronic records, doctors can save precious time, diagnose more accurately and provide better health care.

Because the website's focus centered on two central audiences — the general public and health care providers — the website needed to be carefully developed to allow some information to be replicated in both sections while other key sections contained audience-specific content. In addition, a custom banner manager was developed to allow the client to post different videos and photos in the right column throughout different sections of the site. As always, VSi's goal is to develop user-friendly admin tools that give the client the most flexibility for managing a website.

Visit to learn more about the IDPH's vision for a healthier Iowa.

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