Feed Your Mind Simple Ways to Make Your Website Work for You!
Visionary and FuseDSM, a Des Moines based chamber of commerce, invite the community to a learning opportunity. We will present a few simple ideas for improving your existing website.
Many businesses have a website and an online presence, but is that website really helping you accomplish your goals? In such a chaotic time - with a pandemic raging - your online presence may have never been more important. We will discuss how to set some simple goals for your website. And we will present some methods to help you make better use of your website. We will focus on the "low-hanging fruit" that most businesses can grab, hopefully giving everyone something they can take back to work. Finally, we will open up the floor to answer your questions.
If you are a FuseDSM member please join us as we lead this discussion!
Date and Time:
Tuesday, February 9
11:00am - 12:00pm
Location: FuseDSM website